To my surprise, and with much gratitude, I have received a writing award for La Vie Graphite, called
A Roar for Powerful Words.
A great thanks to Lissa, of Just Write
Such sweet news comes at a time in which I have been taking stock of how important writing has become to my life. Now I have a chance to encourage other writers. I’ve been asked to list 3 necessary ingredients that I believe to be necessary to make writing "good and powerful." Of course, in the open-ended world of journaling and creative writing, there will be many ways for very many writers, but here are just a few:
1. Authenticity.
Write what you have to say with your most honest voice. If you are remembering something from childhood, try to recall your points of view from those times. Describe places, textures, light, air, and feelings as accurately as you can- to the degree that you deem important. Details and emphases are up to you, but authentic representations and responses let you move further across your themes, times, and places.
2. Passion.
Take a strong position about your subjects, whatever they may be. Even if it may be unglorious or despairing. Stand your ground with your written voice; that is far more important than grammatical scrupulosity. Write as though if you left your page blank, the bricks around you would cry forth. You are writing what must be written- and it can be about absolutely anything. You are in charge; you are the wielder of words.
3. Internalization.
To go with writing authentic descriptions of what you’ve seen and felt- past and present, try and take what you are learning to heart. To your deepest heart. Surely not to harangue yourself into a paralysis of analysis, but to simply write your situations and challenges in such ways as to invite the possibility that you are recognizing a new experience. I find that I can "write through" a hardship, and emerge from it with more clarified vision. Yes, it’s a process, and so we all keep on writing because so many of us make this part of our lives.
Now I am pleased to recommend five finely-written and well expressed blogs:
Wonderwall of Words
Everything Needs Rearranging
A Priest's Musings on the Journey
Incarnatus Est
People Reading
(which includes Dogeared )
certain thoughts which seem to have
a character entirely different from others."
~ Novalis
Thank you so much for this! It is truely touching to say the least. The link you provided in your comment didn't work though. I would love to claim the award but can't without a link!!
Sincerely flattered,
Congratulations, and many thanks for nominating me!
3 great advice. writing as therapy is certainly a great way to look at problems that may confuse us, certainly we can all write to better understand ourselves.
Thank you for the kind nomination. I love writing, but haven't been able to post on my blog since the Fall of 2007. I had thought about writing daily as a spiritual exercise for Lent and reviving the blog. You've encouraged me to keep writing.
Thank you
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