Sunday, May 23, 2010

typists need apply

“I told him what I came for,
when he in a rage did fly,
‘No!’ he says, “You are a Paddy,
and no Irish need apply.’

Then I gets my dander rising
And I’d like to blacken his eye
To tell an Irish gentleman
‘No Irish Need Apply.’”

~ John F. Poole (1862), No Irish Need Apply

At the Boston Athenaeum

Public Libraries in Boston (above)

and Portland, Maine (below).

* link to typist news article in NYC


rino breebaart said...

very balanced and insightful as always...

Strikethru said...

Indeed, at least we all know of a place where typists are accepted... The typosphere! (and heck, Boston sounds pretty accepting as well).

speculator said...

The Typosphere owes you plenty of kudos, Strikethru!

Portland, Maine is right up there with Boston.

James Watterson said...

Great post. I haven't been on the computer in several days... Hmm Boston accepting huh? I always thought we were the Massholes. But I'm sure that's more New York's gig huh?