Thursday, October 30, 2008

spiritus autem vivificat

“The hope we share
on this journey
is simple and pure.”

~ The Monks of Weston Priory, Pilgrimage of the Heart


Anne said...

How is it that nobody has commented on this post? I love how it starts, "catapulting out of the workplace with the abandonment of a 5th grader." I'm already running out of there with you in spirit! And, I hope it's not too nosy to ask, but how is Hebrew your first language of prayer? Were/are you Jewish?

speculator said...

Yes and Yes, Anne. Just like those first disciples who embraced the Messiah- and then followed!

Anne said...

Well that is so cool! There are so many conversion stories in the blog world, I would love to hear yours!

speculator said...

For me, the word "completion" rings more accurately than "conversion." It is a continual fulfillment, really.