Sunday, March 21, 2010

train of thought


  1. Love trains, love typewriters, and I love this post.

  2. I live next door to train tracks. It is such a relaxing sound to listen to the trains go by at night, in the winter, when the windows are closed. Summertime is another story! I always think I'd like to write something about the trains, but my thoughts get carried away with the rhythm of those heavy machines and I can never seem to get them back. Thanks for writing what I can't.

  3. Please tell me that you submitted something like this to Silent Type!

  4. nice thoughtful words, one might wonder where did the time ago as the words slip away from our minds, or something to like that...

  5. There are some tracks about one mile from my house and we hear it several times a day. When we first moved the night trains woke us up and now I don't even notice. They're great.

    Nice post.
